VANTAGE Gas water heater with electronic touch screen 12L - TG10LN 493.90 €

VANTAGE Gas water heater with electronic touch screen 12L - TG10LN

Создано: 30 июля 2023
Technical Specifications

Maximum volume of water: 12 lt / min

Maximum thermal power: 24 Kwatt

Energy class: Α

Water heating energy efficiency WH: 77.5%

Gas type: G30 - (28-30)

Noise level: 63dB

General Specifications

Ignition: Direct current connection


Ventilation anti-lock sensor

Overheating protection

Water overpressure protection

Dry ignition protection

Water leakage protection


Dimensions: 53x15x35 cm

Electronic touch screen
Создано: 30 июля 2023
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