Tetra - Heater For Aquariums HT

Создано: 27 декабря 2022
Brand :Tetra
Availability :In Stock

Details Temperature-setting button to preselect the desired water temperature within the range of 19°C to 31°C at 0.5°C intervals Water-tight cap, i.e. fully immersible Control light for the heating phase electronic switch for ultimate reliability and safety Extra thick (2 mm) heat- and shock-resistant borosilicate glass tube Twin ceramic heating...


Temperature-setting button to preselect the desired water temperature within the range of 19°C to 31°C at 0.5°C intervals
Water-tight cap, i.e. fully immersible
Control light for the heating phase
electronic switch for ultimate reliability and safety
Extra thick (2 mm) heat- and shock-resistant borosilicate glass tube
Twin ceramic heating element to ensure uniform heat dissipation through the glass
Securely attached by two adhesive suckers
Long mains lead (1.6 m) for simple installation in the aquarium
Easy to read, ensuring user-friendly temperature setting
Создано: 27 декабря 2022
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