Создано: 21 марта 2023
Complementary feed for cats
Flavor : Rabbit.
Content : Meat and animal derivatives (6% rabbit), minerals.
Nutrient components : Crude protein 33.5%, fat content 20%, raw ash 10%, crude fiber 2%, moisture content 28%.
Feeding Suggestion : It can be given as an additional snack to meals. This product is not a complete daily cat food replacement.
For an average sized cat (4 kg) 1 stick per day can be given.

Only give according to the above guideline. Individual daily needs vary by age, race, or activity. You can easily divide it into portions using the recesses. Make sure you always have clean drinking water available for your cat.
Expiry Date and Lot Number: See imprint on the package
Создано: 21 марта 2023
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