Pedia Sure Triplesure 400g

Создано: 24 декабря 2022
PediaSure is clinically proven to fill the gaps in your child’s nutrition. PediaSure with TripleSure has 37 Nutrients to support growth and development Essential vitamins & minerals to support catch-up growth. High-quality protein, calcium and vitamin D to support bone growth Balanced nutrition with prebiotics and probiotics to support immunity Suitable for children 1 - 10 years old and can be used as a nutritional supplement with or between meals. Prepare it right with 190ml (pre-boiled) water and 5 scoops of PediaSure to make a drink of 225ml. #1 Child Nutrition Brand in Saudi Arabia & Gulf Countries* Available in 4 Great Kids approved – Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry and Honey Gluten and Lactose Free (not for children with galactosemia)
PediaSure is clinically proven to: Improve height and weight
-Improve appetite
-Improve physical activity
-Improve immunity (less sick days)
Создано: 24 декабря 2022
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