ITALPOLLINA Organic biological fertilizer 2kg 4.60 €

ITALPOLLINA Organic biological fertilizer 2kg

Создано: 25 июля 2023
ITALPOLLINA Organic biological fertilizer 2kg

ITALPOLLINA is an organic fertilizer completely natural and it is the result of a careful selection of the source organic substance (healthy certified) and coming from approved breeding farms.

ITALPOLLINA is the poultry manure richest in:

· nutrients

· humified active organic substance (without litter and with purity of 95%)

· trace elements

· useful microorganisms

The great quantity of humified organic and active substances improves in a short time the microbiological, physical (structure and water retention) and chemical (increased buffer capacity and C.S.C. of soils), avoiding losses or insolubilization of nitrogen, phosphorus and trace elements that are so precious for crops.

ITALPOLLINA IS THE QUICKEST WAY TO ACTIVATE TRANSFORMATIONS: Italpollina is the ideal product to restore and preserve optimal levels of the organic substances in soils, thanks to the high isohumic coefficient (K1: 0.45-0.5); this means that it is the organic fertilizer with the highest stable Humus soil intake.
Создано: 25 июля 2023
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