Hinkler Kaleidoscope Etch Art Mini Kits: Butterflies and Bees 9.50 €

Hinkler Kaleidoscope Etch Art Mini Kits: Butterflies and Bees

Создано: 20 мая 2023
Hinkler Kaleidoscope Etch Art Creations Set: Butterflies and Bees

Discover in the most creative way the butterflies and bees hidden in this creative set from Hinkler! 8 etch-art sheets, 2 stencils, a special pen and a guide will give you the trigger for creation and inspiration. Create your own wonderful garden with butterflies and bees among fragrant flowers.

Hinkler's Kaleidoscope Etch Art Creations range offers the opportunity for colorful designs inspired by nature. Discover Hinkler's entire collection of imaginative and creative games and puzzles.
Создано: 20 мая 2023
Был онлайн 29 июня 2024 10:32
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New 9.50 € 10.00
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