Hinkler Kaleidoscope Etch Art Mini Kit: Mythical Worlds 9.50 €

Hinkler Kaleidoscope Etch Art Mini Kit: Mythical Worlds

Создано: 20 мая 2023
Enter a world of magic with Etch Art: Mythical Worlds! Create a gorgeous dragon poster, a beautiful unicorn frame, a stunning phoenix bookmark and more using the etch-art panels and pen!

Hinkler's Kaleidoscope Etch Art Creations range offers the opportunity for colorful designs inspired by nature and offers an exciting way to explore your artistic side and create amazing works of art. Draw with the stylus on the etch-art panels to reveal the bright colors hidden beneath, making the images burst with color! Discover Hinkler's entire collection of imaginative and creative games and puzzles.

4 illustrated woodcut panels
4 blank engraving art panels
2 stencils
Engraving stylus
16 page book
Создано: 20 мая 2023
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New 9.50 € 10.00
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