Hinkler Crystal Creations Wolf In Snow Set 12 €

Hinkler Crystal Creations Wolf In Snow Set

Создано: 20 мая 2023
Hinkler Crystal Creations Wolf In Snow Set

Crystal Creations is the new crafting trend sweeping the world! Anyone can let their creativity shine like a diamond with this sparkling Curious Craft Crystal Creations kit. Super simple and highly addictive art, which is a fun combination of colors with numbers, cross stitches and mosaics .

Take your time and 'paint' in stunning metallics by placing hundreds of glittering crystals on a color-coded self-adhesive canvas to create glittering perfection. This magical canvas is easy to make and perfect for framing!
Создано: 20 мая 2023
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New 12 € 12.50
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