FRAME 149 Nov/Dec 2022

Создано: 27 декабря 2022
Жанр: Драма 
In FRAME’s 25th anniversary issue, we look at the five phenomena that will shape shapes in this decade: experience, wellbeing, co-creation, agility and sustainability.
25 Years of Spaces That Matter
In FRAME’s 25th anniversary issue, we look at the five phenomena that will shape shapes in this decade: experience, wellbeing, co-creation, agility and sustainability. We explore why these themes are so important and how they can contribute to spaces that are not only better for people – considering we reportedly spend close to 90 per cent of our lives indoors – but also for the planet.


Year- 2022

Pages- 160

Size- 23 x 30 cm

Cover- Paperback

Book Language- English
Создано: 27 декабря 2022
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