Cellular Line 2xUSB Car Charger - Black 27.50 €

Cellular Line 2xUSB Car Charger - Black

Создано: 16 мая 2023
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The Cellular Line car charger with 2 USB ports is the most practical solution for charging your devices on the way to work, on a trip or on a walk! Now you don't need to charge your mobile at night or before you leave the house, since you will do it in the car.

Designed for users who need to charge multiple devices at the same time, it has a compact size and is ideal for smartphones and tablets with the corresponding charging port. Charge your devices safely on the go. Equipped with the innovative SmartphoneDetect technology , the Car Multipower2 recognizes connected devices and provides the appropriate charge in absolute safety. The two ports support up to 12W each, for a total power of 24W and allow charging of all devices compatible with 5W and 12W charging technologies.

Telos has an elegant, discreet, but at the same time modern appearance to fully harmonize with the interior of your car. It is the ideal solution to keep your devices and those of passengers charged and ready for use during car journeys.

Car charger
It has 2 USB ports
Safe charging in the car
Ideal for trips or routes
Black color
Создано: 16 мая 2023
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