BOSCH 2 Slat toster black colour - TAT3P423 69 €

BOSCH 2 Slat toster black colour - TAT3P423

Создано: 19 июля 2023
Мощность: 1000-1200 Вт Вт
Integrated warming rack, to fold away

The perfect breakfast time is reserved for you.

The perfect breakfast time is reserved for you.

If you're planning on a relaxing, leisurely breakfast, everything depends on crusty bread rolls and warm croissants. With the integrated warming rack, the rolls stay perfectly fresh on the bread roll warmer, guaranteeing perfect results.

Defrost and warm-up setting: defreezes your toast and makes it crunchy

For a weekend feeling during the week.

For a weekend feeling during the week.

Most people like a really nice breakfast at the weekend. What would it be like if you could make every breakfast feel this way? The defrost and warm-up setting doesn't just thaw your bread, it also crisps it up – as if it were fresh from the bakery.

Even toasting with automatic bread centering

Создано: 19 июля 2023
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