BORMANN PRO Air compressor 2.5hp 50L - BAT5030 363 €

BORMANN PRO Air compressor 2.5hp 50L - BAT5030

Создано: 21 июля 2023
Страна-производитель: Германия 
Напряжение питания: 230 В
Производительность на выходе: 239 л/мин
Product Weight Kg : 35
Air Supply L / min : 239
Hp power : 2.5
Voltage V : 230
Capacity Lt : 50
Bar pressure : 10

Air compressor with powerful single-block aluminum engine with oil with high air supply capability. It has two built-in pressure gauges for indicating boiler air pressure and outlet. For any use of air tools, it will serve even the most demanding users. Its lightweight boiler combined with the ergonomic handle and the set of wheels that it carries, make it easy to transport.

Powerful MONOBLOCK Aluminum Oil Engine

Great Capacity to Provide

With Quick Link

Wheels for Easy Transport
It has a pressure regulator
Создано: 21 июля 2023
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