AS Company Art Watercolor Butterflies

Создано: 20 мая 2023
AS Company Art Watercolor Butterflies

An educational painting set that includes detailed instructions to teach the child to paint with a brush and watercolors, creating impressive works of art for decorating the children's room. The 7 pre-printed and semi-colored cards included create a series of varying degrees of difficulty for learning colors and the technique of watercolor painting.

The included step-by-step illustrated guide guides the child from simply coloring one color in the easiest of the butterfly designs included, to using color mixes in the more difficult butterfly designs. In this way, the child becomes familiar step by step with the use of the brush and creates works of art that look like real paintings. The child has fun, learns and works creatively, away from screens.

AS Art is an educational painting series for children 2-10 years old with rich content, ideal for teaching the child to paint using a variety of techniques such as crayons, watercolors, crayons, watercolor paints, markers. Each painting set is a well-thought-out learning kit for a specific technique, guiding the child to create his own works of art by building his personal art portfolio.

Through engaging with AS Art 's drawing sets, the child expresses his feelings and thoughts, develops his imagination and learns to frame his spoken word, experiencing moments of creativity and experimentation.

The series uses natural, environmentally friendly materials.

7 pre-printed semi-colored cards of varying difficulty
3 watercolors
Step-by-step guide to learning how to use watercolor
Создано: 20 мая 2023
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