Terms of use

  • Site Terms of Use

    1. This user agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is an offer of conditions for using the https://cavuun.com/ website (hereinafter referred to as the Site), represented by the Site Administration and an individual (including representatives of legal entities) (referred to as hereinafter referred to as the User), and regulating the conditions for the provision by the User of information for posting on the Site.
      The User of the Site is considered to be any individual who has ever accessed the Site and who has reached the age allowed to accept this Agreement.
      The User is obliged to fully familiarize himself with this Agreement before registering on the Site. Registration of the User on the Site means the full and unconditional acceptance by the User of this Agreement. In case of disagreement with the terms of the Agreement, the use of the Site by the User must be immediately terminated.
      This Agreement may be amended and / or supplemented by the Site Administration unilaterally without any special notice. These Rules are an open and public document.
      The Agreement provides for the mutual rights and obligations of the User and the Site Administration.
  • The procedure for using the Site

    1. The Site allows the User to view and download information from the Site solely for personal non-commercial use. It is forbidden to modify the site materials, distribute for public or commercial purposes.
    2. When registering on the site and placing orders, the User agrees to provide reliable and accurate information about himself and his contact details.
      In the process of registering on the site, the User receives a login and password for the security of which he is personally responsible.
    3. The user can contact the Site Administration with questions, claims, suggestions for improving the work, or with any other information. At the same time, the User is responsible that this appeal is not illegal, threatening, violates copyright, discriminates against people on any grounds, and also contains insults or otherwise violates the current legislation. User's personal information
  1. The site administration treats the confidential information of any person who has become a visitor to this site with respect and responsibility. By accepting this Agreement, the User agrees to the collection, processing and use of certain information about the User in accordance with the Law On the Protection of Personal Data" and the Site Administration Rules. In addition, the user agrees that the Site Administration may collect, use, transfer, process and maintain information related to the User's account in order to provide relevant services.
  2. The site administration undertakes to collect only the personal information that the Consumer provides voluntarily in the case when the information is needed to provide (improve) services to the Consumer.

    The site administration collects both basic personal data, such as first name, last name, patronymic, address and email address, as well as secondary (technical) data - cookies, connection information and system information.

  3. The User agrees that the confidentiality of the data transmitted via the Internet is not guaranteed if access to this data is obtained by third parties outside the zone of technical means of communication subject to the Site Administration, the Site Administration is not responsible for the damage caused by such access.
  4. The Site Administration can use any information collected through the Site in order to improve the content of the website, its refinement, transfer of information to the User (upon request), for marketing or research purposes, as well as for other purposes that do not contradict the provisions of the current legislation.
  • The following is prohibited on the Site:

      1. Calls for violent change or overthrow of the constitutional order or seizure of state power; calls to change the administrative boundaries or the state border o to violate the order established by the calls for pogroms, arson, destruction of property, seizure of buildings or structures, forced eviction of citizens; calls for aggression or military conflict.
      2. Direct and indirect insults to anyone, in particular politicians, officials, journalists, users of the resource, including national, ethnic, racial or religious affiliation, as well as chauvinistic statements.
      3. Obscene language, pornographic, erotic or sexual statements.
        Any offensive behavior towards the authors of articles and all participants of the resource.
      4. Statements, the purpose of which is to deliberately provoke a sharp reaction of other participants of the resource.
      5. Advertising, commercial messages, as well as messages that do not have an informational load and do not relate to the topics of the resource, if such advertising or messages have not received special permission from the Administration of the site.
      6. Any messages and other actions that are prohibited by the legislation of the Impersonation of another person or representative of an organization and/or community without sufficient rights, including employees and owners of the Site, as well as misrepresentation of the properties and characteristics of any subjects or objects.
      7. Posting materials that the User has no right to make available by law or under any contractual relationship, as well as materials that infringe any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary and/or copyright and related rights of a third party.
      8. Posting of unauthorized advertising information, spam, pyramid schemes, chain letters; materials containing computer codes designed to disrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer or
      9. telecommunications equipment or programs, to provide unauthorized access, as well as serial numbers to commercial software products,logins, passwords and other means of gaining unauthorized access to paid resources on the Internet.
      10. Intentional or accidental violation of any applicable local, state or international regulations.
  • Limitation of liability of the Site Administration

    1. Administration of the site does not bear any responsibility for any errors, misprints and inaccuracies that may be found in the materials contained on this Site. Administration of the site makes all necessary efforts to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented on the Site.
    2. The information on the Site is constantly updated and at any time may become outdated. Administration of the site is not responsible for receipt of outdated information from the Site, as well as for the inability of the User to obtain updates to the information stored on the Site.
    3. Administration of the site does not bear any responsibility for the statements and opinions of visitors to the site, left as comments or reviews. The opinion of the Administration of the site may not coincide with the opinion and position of the authors of reviews and comments. At the same time, the Administration of the site takes all possible measures to prevent the publication of messages that violate applicable law or morality.
    4. Administration of the site is not responsible for possible illegal actions of the User in relation to third parties, or third parties in relation to the User.
      The site administration is not responsible for the User's statements made or published on the site.
    5. Administration of the site is not responsible for damage, losses or expenses (real or possible) arising in connection with this Site, its use or inability to use.
      Administration of the site is not responsible for the loss of the User's ability to access his account - account on the Site.
    6. The administration of the site is not responsible for incomplete, inaccurate, incorrect indication by the User of his data when creating an account of the User.
    7. In case of problems in the use of the Site, disagreement with specific sections of the User Agreement, or receipt by the User of unreliable information from third parties, or information of an offensive nature, any other unacceptable information, please contact the administration of the Site so that the Administration of the Site can analyze and eliminate the relevant defects, to limit and prevent the arrival of unwanted information on the Site, as well as, if necessary, to limit or terminate the obligations of the User's account.
    8. For the purposes of the above, the Site Administration reserves the right to delete the information posted on the Site and take technical and legal measures to terminate access to the Site of Users who, according to the conclusion of the Site Administration, create problems in the use of the Site by other Users, or Users who violate the requirements of the Agreement.
  • Order of validity of the Agreement

  1. This Agreement is a contract. The administration of the site reserves the right both to change this Agreement and to introduce a new one. Such changes come into force from the moment of their placement on the Site. The use of materials of the site by the User after the change of the Agreement automatically means their acceptance.
  2. This Agreement comes into force at the first visit of the Site by the User and is valid between the User and the Company during the whole period of the User's use of the Site.

    The Site is an object of intellectual property rights of the Site Administration. All exclusive proprietary copyrights to the site belong to the Site Administration. The use of the site by Users is possible strictly within the framework of the Agreement and the legislation on intellectual property rights.

  3. All trademarks and names referenced in the materials of this Site are the property of their respective owners.
  4. The User agrees not to reproduce, repeat, copy, any part of the Site, unless such permission is given to the User by the Site Administration.
  5. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Issues not regulated by the Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the laws 

Protection of personal data

Dear User, by registering on our website or using various services of our website, which require the entry of your personal data, you consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with the On Protection of Personal Data", as well as the agreed and approved Rules. The site administration reserves the right to use this information for marketing purposes within the framework of the provision of services.

Rules and regulations in accordance with the "Personal Data Protection Law" adopted and approved

The User, registering on the website https://cavuun.com/ (hereinafter - the "Site"), including by creating an account and/or registering as a user of any services of the Site, in case of performing the corresponding actions under his/her own and valid (not fictitious) name, gives his/her consent to the owner of the Site to the processing of the User's personal data (name, gender, age, residence, date and place of birth, contact details in case of providing such information and provided that such information is true and valid).

The User gives consent to the owner of the Site to perform actions in the information (automated) system and/or in the files of personal data, which are associated with the collection, registration, accumulation, storage, adaptation, modification, updating, use and distribution (realization, transfer), depersonalization, destruction of the relevant personal data and records of the User - a natural person. The User also gives the owner of the Site the right to determine at its own discretion the order of use of personal data of the User (including the order of use of personal data by employees of the owner of the Site in accordance with their professional or official, or labor duties), the order of protection, distribution, the order of access to databases and the order of transfer of the right to process personal data to other subjects of relations related to personal data. The User grants the specified rights to the owner of the Site in order for the latter to comply with the requirements of the current legislation on personal data protection.

Contact information:
[email protected]

Phone: +905428680197